I’ve been meaning to blog about a few things I made over the Summer, but I just haven’t had the time, so I thought I would put together a quick vlog to share them with you. Hope you all enjoy!
The Seamstress Tag
Time for the second instalment over on my vlogging channel! I had filmed and planned for a different video to go up today, but then Hollie, from Hollie Sews, came up with the Seamstress Tag and I thought it would be a nice way to introduce myself over on YouTube, so this video has been…
Sewing on YouTube: My Top 10 Sewing Vloggers
Hello everyone! I had a little break from blogging there while life was getting very hectic. There have been a few changes around here, which I’m sure I’ll get into another time. Instead, today I wanted to talk to you about something different… Do you watch YouTube videos? I’m sure you do! I have been…
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