Spring 10 x 10 Challenge

Have any of you heard of the 10×10 Challenge or Remix? It’s the brainchild of Lee from the style blog Style Bee, but I actually first came across it on one of my favourite style blogs, Un-Fancy. The concept is simple; pick 10 items from your wardrobe and then challenge yourself to mix and match them for the next 10 days. I have enjoyed watching the series on both Caroline’s (Un-Fancy) and Lee’s blogs for the last year or so. They run them once a season, so you get to see how the process works for different weather conditions throughout the year.

I have often thought that this challenge would be interesting to try with a focus on my me-made wardrobe. A sort of mini, intensive, me-made-May if you like. And then last Autumn I saw that the lovely Elena from Randomly Happy (one of my favourite sewing blogs by the way, do check her out i f you haven’t already) decided to do just that. I was very excited to see how she did and see what outfit combos she came up with as I really love her style. She shared her outfits on Instagram, and wrote up a review of the 10 days on her blog if you would like to check it out.

I have been having a bit of an issue with my wardrobe at the moment, and with my very slow sewing situation. I recently read A Curated Closet, and it has really made me re-evaluate my approach to my wardrobe, a subsequently my sewing as well. That is part of anther blog post which I plan on doing soon – I’m still sorting through my thoughts on that though. But I thought that this Wardrobe Challenge actually slotted in perfectly with some of the ideas and concepts that have been playing on my mind recently, and so I decided that I should join in with the Spring 10×10 Challenge.

So what is the point of limiting your wardrobe to a small capsule for 10 days? Well, its a way of challenging yourself to come up with potentially different ways of wearing some of the clothes you already own. Perhaps you are in a style-rut, or feel like you have “nothing to wear”. But rather than assuming that in order to get out of that rut you need to buy (or sew!!) some new clothes, maybe you just need to re-evaluate how you wear the clothes you already have.

As much as I would have liked to pick out a completely me-made wardrobe for this challenge, I knew it wouldn’t be practical. I have yet to make a pair of jeans, and the thought of going the next 10 days without jeans was just a step too far! So I have a mixture of me-mades and ready-to-wear, but with an emphasis on me-mades as much as possible.

Lee and Caroline encourage you to not spend too much time picking your pieces, and to think about the upcoming activities and weather for the next 10 days. Our weather in Northern Ireland is pretty variable (I was going to say ‘in Spring’….but lets be real….all year round really!), so I have opted not to include coats in my 10×10 (that would just be far too constricting). Other things that don’t have to be included are all accessories, underwear, sportswear, pjs etc. But shoes are included! In terms of upcoming activities, I actually have quite a lot going on compared to normal, because my husband will be on Easter Holidays (he is a teacher). We are going away for a little mini-break (OMG finally!), I have family visiting, and we have plans for trips to the beach etc. Oh, and I will be running after a nearly-2 year old as well!!!

The other point that they recommend is a limited colour palette, to allow for maximum mixing potential. Based on my me-made options I have gone for black and white with red and pink (and leopard!) accents. So what have I picked for my 10 pieces?

1. Black and White Plantain T-shirt – A comfy top which I think could have some layering potential
2. Red Floral Ogden Cami – I didn’t want my wardrobe to be all black and white so I thought this top would bring some much needed colour into the mix. Plus it can be dressed up and down and easily layered.

3. Black and White Striped Molly/Plantain Dress – Comfy ‘secret pjs’. Again, this can be dressed up or down.
4. Charcoal Linen Prima Dress – This is my latest make (I am still finishing it off actually! Just the zip and hem to go) which I am excited to wear and style.

5. Bright Pink Waterfall Cardi – Another injection of colour and a nice layering piece
6. Black long-line Cardi – And here ends the me-mades! This is a lovely ready-to-wear piece from H&M which I think will be a work horse in this challenge.

7. Black Skinny Jeans – a necessity!!!

8. Red Loafers – Flat and comfortable, these will add colour and also elevate an outfit
9. Black and White Trainers – Matching the colour palette and my casual shoe option
10. Leopard Print Boots – My wild-card. I love these boots, but I don’t wear them as much as I would like, so I thought if I added them to this challenge it would help me find more ways to style them.

I am a little concerned that opting for three shoe choices may make this challenge harder for me. But actually, one of the issues I have been having with my style recently is that I always just reach for the same old shoes without even thinking about them. Shoes can be such a key factor in adding interest to an otherwise simple outfit so I have recently invested in a few new pairs. I’m using this challenge as a way to push myself to actually wear them, rather than just going back to the old faithfuls.

So there you have it! There is no way I will be able to daily blog about each of my outfits, but I will definitely be sharing them on my Instagram account (@seasaltstitches) and then I will be back after the challenge for a round-up post and any thoughts or lessons I may have had during the process.

Have you heard of the 10×10 Challenge/Remix? Have you done it before, if so, how did you find it? Are you going to join in this time? I’d love to know so that I can see your take on it!

P.S. Today is the first day of the challenge! You can head over to Instagram now to see my first outfit.

Reader Interactions


  1. Lynne says

    I haven't heard of this before, but it sounds like a great idea! Also, I absolutely love those leopard print boots, they're all kinds of awesome!
